Interview Recipe

Interview Recipe

Before you continue reading… this will be a repetition of what you already know!  Why did I bother then? I just felt like I should write this down as well… So here we go! When you have made it to a job interview, you hope that you can fall back on the resume that you...
It can start with a hunch

It can start with a hunch

You have a hunch, an idea, and you follow it… This story starts with a spontaneous idea to make some music together. After my project with the female choir Pihlaja in Finland, for whom I composed music to poems by Madhu Raghavendra, I thought it interesting and fun to...

Musical Minute #2

I love to create musical ideas and would love to share some of those to start your day. I hope you will enjoy...
The Power of Coaching with Horses for Personal Development

The Power of Coaching with Horses for Personal Development

Recently, I posted on LinkedIn about my experience with coaching with horses. How amazing it was, and what an enriching experience. This made me think that it would be nice to reflect a little bit more on this experience and on personal development in general. Just a...